What is the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act?

Banks County School System has been notified that the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) published its list of schools eligible for the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act. The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act, enacted in 2024, aims to provide eligible families with an opportunity to pursue alternative educational programs through nonpublic schooling, including private schooling.

How does a school end up on the list?

For a school to be on the list, it must be in the bottom quartile of schools based on its average performance over the prior two years on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). Note that eligibility is not based on current-year data.

What is CCRPI?

CCRPI is a tool used by the Georgia Department of Education to measure how well schools, districts, and the state are preparing students for college and careers. CCRPI measures how well schools are performing in four areas: content mastery, progress, closing gaps, and readiness.

Are any BCSS schools on the eligibility list?

Yes, Banks County Elementary School and Banks County High School are on the list of eligible schools for the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act.

What are BCES and BCHS doing this year to get off the list in the future?

Banks County Elementary School and Banks County High School have implemented several school-wide initiatives to address students’ performance on Georgia Milestones and the school’s CCRPI scores. Those initiatives include the following:

  • School Improvement Plan with goals focusing on engagement and rigor in order to increase student achievement;
  • Collaborative professional learning communities with teachers working together to plan appropriate instruction for all learners;
  • iReady and IXL lessons and testing in core academic subjects to identify and address individual student gaps;  
  • MTSS Coordinators to help support tiered intervention strategies to support students falling behind; and
  • Continued partnership with families to focus on student growth

Statement from Superintendent Dr. Ann Hopkins

“The recently released Promise Act List highlights schools needing additional support to meet our shared educational goals. Being on this list does not define our students’ potential or the dedication of our staff. While challenges remain, this is an opportunity to focus our resources and efforts where they are needed most. We are implementing specific improvement plans, increasing resources, and collaborating with staff, families, and students to drive positive change. Together, we can turn these challenges into successes!”